Saturday, December 8, 2012

Nana Bee's Tree

For many years I have had my grandmother's little Christmas tree. My grandmother's name was Myrtis Corker Bullard. Nana Bee was the name the grandchildren called her. She died back in 1994. I restored it several years ago.

When I started this project I found a label which shows "Handcrafted by the St. Agnes Chapter Cathedral St. Philips, Atlanta, Georgia." St. Philips is an Episcopal church located in Buckhead. My parents were married in the chapel.

I have very fond memories growing up in this church. The first picture on the slide show is a painting of the inside of the cathedral. I was about 10 years old and I remember the big doors opening and then walking down the isle. I was one of the three kings in the Christmas program.

This slide show shows each of the ornaments that are on the tree. Some of them needed repair and I noticed that most were made in Japan, Italy and Hong Kong. I am sure this tree was made in the 1960's. Click this song to play. 
It is about ripples and how they don't come back...ah but the memories!Then click the video below to see each ornament. 

Nana Bee was born in Dublin in 1909. I now have lived in Dublin for 11 years. I moved to Dublin to be close to her memory. Restoring her tree was a wonderful experience with every moment bringing back her memory.

Merry Christmas